Cyber Attack Stats
Cyber attack statistics include:
1. Crypto-mining infections have increased 44.5% in 2018
2. Nearly 50% of reported ransomware in 2017 involved healthcare organizations
3. The average cost per ransomware in 2017 was $133,000
4. 75% of organizations infected with ransomware were running up-to-date end-point protection
5. Malware can bypass 94% of Anti-Virus/Spam software
6. 33% of organizations hit by a malware attack in the past 5 years…Read More
Using the Public Cloud
A public cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are provided off-site over the Internet. The advantages to this are cost savings since organizations don’t have to purchase, manage, and maintain on-premises hardware and application infrastructure. Essentially it’s an open computing environment hosted by third-party providers.
Complete IT Support for your Organizational Needs
Kilton’s goal is to remove the IT burden organizations face by providing systems and IT support. We strive to be your IT partner and support all technology needs.
IT support includes:
1. User and Device Support
2. System/Network Administration
3. Infrastructure Design and Implementation
4. Life-cycle Management
5. Procurement
Establishing a BCP will Help Avoid Disasters
Preparation is key to avoiding unpredictable disasters. You hear it every now and then in the news, companies get hit with cyber attacks, natural disasters, software failures and a lot more. Whatever the case may be, these disaster types are unavoidable which is why your organization must recognize these threats and risks and invest in a business continuity plan.
Kilton is focused on ensuring that your business systems are robust and reliable. Kilton’s BCP Services can help!
Development for Existing Systems of Applications
Modernizing and customizing workflows is key to an effective workforce. Kilton’s development team is well versed in the latest technology and the understanding of systems to help you with your problems. We ensure that subsystems function together as a system, make requested changes, create business value by re-purposing software, upgrade and automate your existing systems.